01 March, 2007

3 Magic Cures to Eliminate Aaaaaaaahs!

Public speaking classes for students & adults in Malaysia

3 Magic Cures to Eliminate Aaaaaaaahs!

A speech crutch is an annoying impediment to speakers in 2 ways. First, it distracts the audience from enjoying the speech. Secondly, it disrupts the speaker's train of thoughts.

Often as an audience when we listen to a speech punctuated by speech crutches, we start to pay attention to the crutches instead of the speech. In the end, we get so frustrated and annoyed that the idea presented is lost to us. All we are left with is the lingering stench of the incessant annoying punctuations of aaaahs, uhms and eeeeers.

When you are speaking, these crutches reverbate in your mind like the booming echo of distant thunder disrupting your thoughts until all that is left are just aaaaahs and more aaaaaahs.

8 years ago, as an apprentice speaker, my speech consists of aaaaaahs punctuated with proper words. I was unaware of my dependance on speech crutches until an honest evaluater brought them to my attention. Since then I have worked to eliminate them from my speeches using various techniques both recommended and improvised. I am proud to report that as a result of my efforts, I have managed to lower the frequency of my aaaaahs. On some days, I don't have any at all.

I would like to share my 3 magic cures for speech crutches which in my experience I have found to be extremely effective.

Magic Cure #1 - Speak at a slower rate. Most of us are not endowed by providence with a quick fire mind. Therefore we speak at a faster rate than we think. When our mouth opens when there's no more signal from our mind, the inevitable aaaaaaaah is emited. Therefore, speak slower to match your thinking rate and you will cure your speech crutches.

Magic Cure #2 - Close your mouth when you have nothing to say. Speech crutches are emited when you open your mouth without a definite idea of what to say. Learn to pause when you have a blank thought. Form the next few words in your mind and then only vocalize them. In short, speak only when necessary.

Magic Cure #3 - Punctuate with pauses. Learn to phrase your speech by grouping words forming an idea and pausing after each idea. This will replace your horrible crutches with pauses.

Conciously use the 3 magic cures which I have recommended and you will positively eliminate your speech crutches. This will transform you into the pleasant and stylish speaker that you desire.

Azmi Shahrin
Principal Trainer
Dynamic Speakers Training Centre

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