28 November, 2008

PowerPoint Tips

Several pertinent tips on using the powerpoint from http://terrificpresentations.wordpress.com - Azmi Shahrin

PowerPoint Tips


At a recent presentation, this presenter made a typical PowerPoint presentation, which could have been improved with a few simple changes.

1. Don't turn your back on the audience to read your slide.

2. Use graphics, not words - if possible.

3. If you do use words, make them short phrases, not long sentences which you read to the audience.

4. Use a remote so you don't have to be standing by the laptop to go from slide to slide.

5. Bring your own table to hold your laptop.
Face the laptop toward yourself and use a long VGA cable to connect to your projector.

6. Use Spell Check on your Power Point presentation.

Azmi Shahrin


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