29 December, 2008

ProSkills Trainers - Dare To Speak™ Public Speaking Programme 9-10 December 2008

Here are the links that will lead you to the pictures and video of the programme held at PT Kurnia. It was fulfilling to see the participants speaking with style and confidence during the graduation.

>>>>>>>>>>>> photo album >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You are invited to view Azmi Shahrin's photo album: ProSkills Trainers - Dare To Speak Public Speaking Program
ProSkills Trainers - Dare To Speak Public Speaking Program
PT Kurnia - 
Dec 10, 2008
by Azmi Shahrin
Azmi Shahrin - ProSkills Trainers http://ProSkillsTrainers.com
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>>>>>>>>> video on YouTube >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

xfactor21a has shared a video with you on YouTube:

xfactor21a has shared a video with you on YouTube:

xfactor21a has shared a video with you on YouTube:

xfactor21a has shared a video with you on YouTube:

xfactor21a has shared a video with you on YouTube:

xfactor21a has shared a video with you on YouTube:

xfactor21a has shared a video with you on YouTube:


Learn and improve your 
Presentation Skills at 
ProSkills Trainers - 

Check out my Collection of 
the Greatest Speeches ever - 

Never mind the posturing and just look if
our Malaysian leaders inspire you 
with their rhetorics - 

Jadilah ahli Kelab Pidato Perdana 
dan pelajari kaedah berpidato - 

Lawat blog Kelab Pidato Perdana untuk
membaca laporan aktiviti terkini kami -

Come and join Extol Toastmasters which
is probably the coziest Toastmasters
Club in USJ, Subang Jaya & Sunway - 

Read about activities from Toastmasters
Clubs in KL, PJ and the rest of the world
in www.ToastmastersNewz.blogspot.com 

Visit the Division W Blog at
& see what we did in the 2007/2008 term

Other places where I belong :)
facebook - www.facebook.com/people/Azmi_Shahrin/561612498
multiply - www.xfactor21a.multiply.com
YouTube - www.youtube.com/xfactor21a
Picasa Photo Album - 

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